Anatole France, pseudonym for Jacques Anatole Thibault
(1844-1924), was the son of a Paris book dealer. He received a thorough
classical education at the Collège Stanislas, a boys' school in Paris, and
for a while he studied at the École des Chartes. For about twenty years he
held diverse positions, but he always had enough time for his own writings,
especially during his period as assistant librarian at the Senate from 1876
to 1890. His literary output is vast, and though he is chiefly known as a
novelist and storyteller, there is hardly a literary genre that he did not
touch upon at one time or another. France is a writer in the mainstream of
French classicism. His style, modelled on Voltaire and Fénélon, as well as
his urbane scepticism and enlightened hedonism, continue the tradition of
the French eighteenth century. This outlook on life, which appears in all
his works, is explicitly expressed in collection of aphorisms, Le Jardin d'Épicure
(1895) [The Garden of Epicurus].
France had written several stories and novels before he achieved his first
great success with Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard (1881). The novel received
a prize from the Académie Française, of which France became a member in
In 1885 he published Le Livre de mon ami [My Friend's Book], a kind of
autobiographical novel, which he continued with Pierre Nozière (1899), Le
Petit Pierre (1918), and La Vie au fleur (1922) [The Bloom of Life]. From
1888 to 1892 France was the literary critic of the newspaper Le Temps. His
reviews, inspired by the scepticism of Renan, but highly subjective, were
collected in four volumes under the title La Vie littéraire (1888-92) [On
Life and Letters]. About this time France turned sharply against the
naturalism of Zola. His own work of this period consists of historical
fiction that evokes past civilizations with great charm and deep insight.
The period of transition from paganism to Christianity was one of his
favourites. In 1889 appeared Balthazar, a fanciful version of the story of
one of the Magi, and in 1890 Thaïs, the story of the conversion of an
Alexandrian courtesan during the Christian era. L'Étui de nacre (1892) [Mother
of Pearl] is the story of a hermit and a faun, an ironic conjunction typical
of France's art.
In 1893 France published his most celebrated novel, La Rôtisserie de la
Reine Pédauque [At the Sign of the Reine Pédauque], a vast tableau of life
in eighteenth century France. The central figure of the novel, the Abbé
Coignard, a complex, ironical, and lovable character, reappears in Les
Opinions de Jérôme Coignard (1893) and the collection of stories Le Puits de
Sainte Claire (1895) [The Well of Saint Claire]. With the tragic love story,
Le Lys rouge (1894) [The Red Lily], France returned to a contemporary
subject and in the following years wrote Histoire contemporaine (1896-1901),
a group of prose works, not really novels, that have their unity in the
character of Professor Bergeret, one of France's most famous creations.
In his later years France became increasingly interested in social questions.
He protested the verdict in the Dreyfus case and developed some sympathies
for socialism. Among his last important works were a biography of Joan of
Arc (1908), Les Dieux ont soif (1912) [The Gods are Athirst], and La Révolte
des anges (1914) [The Revolt of the Angels]. The collected works of Anatole
France were published in twenty-five volumes between 1925 and 1935.
This autobiography/biography was
written at the time of the award and later published in the book series
Les Prix Nobel/Nobel Lectures. The information is sometimes updated with
an addendum submitted by the Laureate. To cite this document, always state
the source as shown above. |